2009年2月18日 星期三

mutiple volume tar

tar -c -M --tape-length=102400 --file=disk1.tar largefile.tgz

The value 102400 is 1024 x 100, which will create a 100 Meg file called disk1.tar and then Tar will prompt for volume 2 like below :-

Prepare volume #2 for disk1.tar and hit return:

In the time of tape drives you would have taken the first tape out of the machine and inserted a new tape, and pressed return to continue. As we want Tar to create the remaining 50 Meg in a separate file, we issue the following command :-

n disk2.tar

2) merge
#tar -x -M --file=disk1.tar
Prepare volume #2 for `disk1.tar' and hit return: n disk2.tar

2009年2月17日 星期二

method to test disk performance with RAMDisk

cd /tmp

mkdir tmp

mount –t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp/tmp // Create a 24MB ram drive

cp /someFileLessThan24MB /tmp/tmp // Read a large file from MLC to ram drive

mount –t ext2 /dev/ba-nanda1p1 /mnt/banand


time cp /tmp/tmp/someFileLessThan24MB /mnt/banand // Write the large file to banand and measure the timing.

2009年2月16日 星期一

TI EVB rootfs and u-Boot

Easy way to get the target filesystem is mount the ramfs and copy all the files as below:
# gunzip ramdisk_omap2evm.gz --> you will get the unzip ramdisk filesystem file
# mkdir tmp_fs --> create one empty directory
# mount -o loop ramdisk_omap2evm tmp_fs --> mount the ramdisk to this file
# mkdir omap2rootfs
# cp -arf tmp_fs/* omap2rootfs --> now you will have all the rootfilesystem

When debug, easy way is use nfs, also you could use nfsroot to bootup as set the bootargs in uboot as (just for example, make sure the filesystem has been export to enable accessed by NFS):
setenv bootargs 'mem=64M console=ttyS0,115200n8 noinitrd root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=,nolock,vers=2,rsize=1024,wsize=1024 ip=dhcp mpurate=266'

2009年2月8日 星期日



2009年2月1日 星期日

copy minimum file system

find bin etc init sbin var dev home lib usr | cpio -pdum /mnt