2009年12月24日 星期四

desperate housewives season5

[原创] Desperate Housewives第五季学习笔记 欢迎纠错(更新中)

Desperate Housewives Season05 Episode01 "You're Gonna Love Tomorrow"
It will happen to all of us eventually.
The moment will come when we ask ourselves:
"where did the time go?
How did the children I once cradled grow up so very quickly?
How did the life I dreamt of turn into a career I never expected?
And how did that woman I saw each day in the mirror become someone I don't even recognize?"
It goes by so quickly.
In a flash, the life we knew is gone forever.
And we're left to ask ourselves:
"How could he have left me?
When did my beauty start to fade?
Was I the best mother I could have been?"
Of course, there are some people who understand how quickly time passes,
that's why they're so determined to get what they want before it's too late.
2. I bet they'd have a mrs. Shrek dress that would fit her.
3.Just ring it up.
ring up在这里不是打电话的意思
ring sth up
to press buttons on a cash register to record how much money is being put inside
 The cashier rang up £300 by mistake.
4.It's the galleys of my new book.
The pre-publication copies sent to the author for final proofreading or to reviewers for pre-publication reviews.
5.and the big blind...catches a jack on the river
庄家左边的第一个玩家叫小盲注SB (small blind),第二个玩家叫大盲注BB (big blind)
6.don't make me pull out the solis family photo album.It's like a bunch of sealions posing on a rock.
用我拿出你们家全家福吗 就像是一群海狮晒太阳(意思是他们全家都很胖)
7.And hot-wiring mccluskey's car-- that was a work of art.
偷偷启动McCluskey的车 这都得叫艺术了吧?
start (a car engine) without a key by bypassing the ignition interlock; "The woman who lost the car keys had to hot-wire her van"
v [T]
informal to start the engine of a vehicle using the wires of the ignition system, instead of a key
8.Oh, by the way, it wasn't a trombone. It was a tuba.
对了 我吹的不是长号 是大号
9.Women only have five seconds to be young and beautiful, and then it's gone.and then before you know it,
we're old and fat and married and wondering where our beauty went.
Gaby的话每次都是这么cute^_^ 下面是Carlos的回答 很touching
Nobody knows your face better than I do.and I see it every time I kiss you.In 5 years or 50, you will always be beautiful.
10.I have to say, ladies,this is quite a shindig.
姑娘们 这个聚会好棒啊
本主题由 vanjohnbob 于 2009-12-7 10:16 解除高亮
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伊甸园-嘟嘟橙 隆重推出影视周边

帖子64 精华1 积分0 威望0 点 金钱91 RMB 注册时间2008-10-1 最后登录2009-11-12
发表于 2009-1-4 20:28 | 只看该作者
Desperate Housewives Season05 Episode02 "We're So Happy You're So Happy"
1. 开头语
Lives change in five years.
Some families grow,while others grow apart.
And we find ways to ease the pain

If there is one thing everyone in suburbia can appreciate...It's a good neighbor.
You know, the kind that helps with the last bag of groceries...
or brings over misplaced mail...
or offers to mow your lawn.
Yes, everyone appreciates a good neighbor.
And no one knew this better than dave williams,
who was determined to be the best neighbor steria lane had ever seen...
assuming, of course, his wife didn't get in the way.
Yes, everyone appreciates a good neighbor.You know,
the kind that helps you with the groceries...but doesn't ask,"why is your son so moody?"
the type that delivers misplaced mail but doesn't point out your wife seems discontented...
the sort that offers to mow your lawn...but doesn't mention your husband seems cold.
But if you're not sure the man next door is as nice as he would have you believe...
Do everything you can to get to know him better.
2.I don't know. I could check out his friends list on silverfizz.
不知道 我可以查他在Silverfizz上的好友
Parker回答道什么是Silverfizz:It's like myspace. You have a web page.It shows your hobbies, your favorite music, and you can talk to people.
3.Now it's just a mock-up, but this is what the book is going to look like.
这只是一本样书 但大体上没什么差别
a full size model of something, made before the real thing is built, or made for a film, show etc
跟前一集中It's the galleys of my new book的galley差不多意思吧
4.That's preposterous.
preposterous 荒谬的 可笑的
e.g. That's a preposterous accusation!
5.For starters, you talk to your cat like it's a person.
When I knocked on your door,you immediately invited me in.
Doesn't take a genius to see that you're lonely.
Edie的新丈夫Dave对Mrs. Mccluskey一语中的的评价
6.Sorry. I just had to rip the band-aid off.
对不起 我不得不把话讲明
7.I really think the end justifies the means here.
我觉得只要目的正确 可以不择手段
8.I have to knock her socks off
9. 00:31:17,330 --> 00:31:19,230
Just shakin' the dew off the lily.
And speaking of,that paint
job in the guest can is nice. Kudos
说来 客用洗手间的漆刷得不赖 赞个
现在依然搞不懂shake the dew off the lily为什么是出恭的意思(但当时剧情确实是Susan前夫用了一下洗手间)
10.and I guess I lost track of time talking to crunchy granola here.
crunchy granola 可以去urban上查,这句当时理解也有点偏差。
11.We have lost nothing that matters.
We have a home,we have each other,we have work that supports us,
and we have two beautiful little girls that...love us more than ice cream.
I've never been happier in my life.The only thing that will make me happier is for you to realise how good we've got it.
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帖子64 精华1 积分0 威望0 点 金钱91 RMB 注册时间2008-10-1 最后登录2009-11-12
发表于 2009-1-4 20:33 | 只看该作者
Desperate Housewives Season05 Episode03 "Kids Ain't Like Everybody Else"
1.Danielle! What a delightfully ethnic ensemble
Danielle 家庭大团圆 多喜庆啊
a small group of musicians, actors, or dancers who perform together regularly
a set of things that go together to form a whole
a set of clothes that are worn together
Emsemble在这里应该是第三种解释。 整句应该翻译成: Daniel,多么漂亮的民族服饰阿!
2.That's the second time this week. Is someone picking on you?
这星期第二次了 有人在欺负你吗?
pick on有“挑选,选中”的意思,但一般而言这种被“临幸”的选中都是不幸的。
It means: To bully or make fun of a victim; to bother or harass
比如Why pick on me every time?
The God of Thunder strikes the beancurd; bullies pick on the soft and weak.
Why do they always pick on me to do the washing-up?
所以pick on是个不幸的词,有“找...麻烦,找...岔子,欺负...”的意思
3.So I'm prepared to knock a grand off. What do you say?
所以我给你便宜1000块 怎么样?
grand还有其它意思 比如:雄伟的;堂皇的;盛大的
He lives in a grand house.
I spent a grand total of $150.
4.Oh, come on. It's already priced way below blue book, not to mention it's mint.
拜托 这价格已经超低了 而且这车毫无划痕呢
blue book在这是什么意思呢?
blue book
- a book with a list of prices that you can expect to pay for any used car
- a book with a blue cover that is used in American colleges for writing answers to examination questions
另外mint除了有“薄荷a box of mints”,“造币厂The Mint has decided to issue the coins next year.”等基本意思外,
The book was still in mint condition.
5.Oh, believe me, if he served time, it was in the state pen.
相信我 就算他服役 也是在州立监狱
学了这么多年英语今天还真是第一次见到pen有“监狱(俚语)”的意思,挺好玩的是吧(08年11月11日补充:估计是 penitentiary的缩写,在Prison BreakS4E10中听到这个词的)
The dog chased the sheep into the pen.
或者做动词用“ 把(家畜)关入围栏;把...关起来”“囚禁”。
6.Like a charm. And thanks again.
好用得很 再次谢谢你
like a charm
ad. 效验发神地(异常成功地)
Those new pills you gave me worked like a charm.
act like a charm
7.Because I'm telling ya, this guy is up to something.
我肯定地告诉你 这家伙一定另有隐情
be up to something 贬义词
I heard you two whispering so I know you must be up to something.
I know she must be up to something.
00:12:52,030 --> 00:12:56,960
Gaby:Since your mom and I are dear friends, I'll
take it off your hands if you knock off $300.
Gaby:看在你妈和我是好朋友的份上 只要你降300块 我就要
00:12:56,990 --> 00:13:02,260
Andrew:And since my mom and you are dear friends,
I'll resist the urge to flip you the bird.
Andrew:我也是看在你俩交情的份上 才忍住不对你比中指的
flip off [flip sb off]
also flip sb the bird 这就是比中指(hoho)
to make a rude sign at someone by lifting up your middle finger and keeping your other fingers down
9.Curse you and your diabolical checkers prowess
diabolical 恶魔的(刻毒的而且残忍的)=wicked=cruel=fiendish
prowess 勇敢(在战场上英勇过人的力量、勇气),超凡技术
10.And by the way, mark your calendars,'cause seven years from next saturday--benjamin's bar mitzvah.
顺便说一句 在你的台历上做个记号 因为七年后的下周六...是Benjamin的犹太成人礼。
bar mitzvah
受诫礼 [Bar Mitzvah]
11. 00:17:19,120 --> 00:17:21,470
Those of us with hearing beg to differ.
这句话感觉有点不妥(个人意见)。Tom想玩Bass,搞garage band,说不定get, like, a couple of gigs.
他说I mean, if I wanna play bass, I will play bass.I'm not hurting anybody.
然后Lynette回了这句Those of us with hearing beg to differ
另beg to differ的意思是“恕不同意(对不起,本人有不同意见)”。
12.You sold me a lemon.
That Chevy was a real lemon; it was fixed more often than it was driven.
Their new car turned out to be a lemon.
13.It doesn't matter. If it wears a skirt, it's off-limits.
这无所谓啊 只要是女孩儿 就有违原则
14.Couple of wusses. I'll handle it myself.
真是优柔寡断 我自己搞定好了
wuss 犹豫不定的,软弱无用的人(俚语)
15.A man gets to a certain age,and he realizes he's gonna die someday.
Really die.And what's worse is that he's everything he's ever gonna be.
He's never gonna be rich.He's never gonna climb a mountain.
Now some guys do bad things when they get those thoughts in their heads.
By comparison,playing in a garage band...well...it seems pretty harmless.
这段话挺好的,所以摘录下来,Dave说的(他自己是不是some guys who do bad things呢?)
16.That's how he ended up at the E.P.A.
E.P.A. ---the Environmental Protection Agency环保局
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
Government agencies include, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Consumer Products Safety Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and the National Labor Relations Board.
还想到了在Weeds(单身独妈)里看到的Drug Enforcement Administration (美国)(司法部)药品管理局,禁药取缔机构
17.I always wished that I'd gone to a school like cornell.
But...it just wasn't in the cards for me.
我对康奈尔这样的牛校一直很向往 但是 那对我来说不太可能
be on the cards
BrE be in the cards
AmE to seem likely to happen
 At 3-1 down, another defeat seemed to be on the cards.
18. 00:34:09,290 --> 00:34:11,300
We should rumble all the time.
19.Well,I've apologized till I'm blue in the face,but they're still leaving in the morning.
我已费尽口舌地道歉了 他们还是执意明早就走
argue/talk etc till you're blue in the face (informal)
to argue, talk etc about something a lot, but without achieving what you want
 You can tell them till you're blue in the face, but they'll still do what they want.
20.Our policy lapsed.Hope you'got good coverage.
我的保单失效了 希望你的能赔付很多哦

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帖子64 精华1 积分0 威望0 点 金钱91 RMB 注册时间2008-10-1 最后登录2009-11-12
发表于 2009-1-4 20:37 | 只看该作者
Desperate Housewives Season05 Episode04 "Back in Business"
If you look closely into the faces of your friends, You'll see it.
Right behind their smiles, You will see a certain Green-eyed monster,
And then you'll understand How envious they are of your well-kept home...
Your delious recipes...And your tasteful possessions
But you'll have to work hard to see the jealousy,
Because good friends always work hard To hide it.
If you look closely into the faces of those around you,
You will catch a glimpse of a certain Green-eyed monster.
And then you'll see they envy your career...your love life...the Time you spend with their child...
How do you deal with such jealousy?There are many ways.
But the best...is to simply share what you have.
2.00:04:49,840 --> 00:04:52,860
I'm just grabbing a kiss on my way to the Salt mines.
the Salt mines这里可不能理解为"盐矿",应该是泛指一切累人的事情(也不一定是工作,也可能是上学-_-LOL)
back to the salt mines
3.00:14:44,030 --> 00:14:47,260
I may be persona non grata at every company in this town,
persona non grata 不受欢迎的人(拉丁语)
persona non grata 不受欢迎的人,为了保障接受国的利益,防止外交特权与豁免和领事特权与豁免被滥用,《维也纳外交关系公约》和《维也纳领事关系公约》规定了宣告使馆外交人员和领馆领事官员为“不受欢迎的人”这种程序,且无须说明不同意的理由。遇此情形,派遣国应酌情召回或终止其馆员职务。《关键词》-128
链接 http://z5903093.fyfz.cn/blog/z5903093/index.aspx?blogid=182579
词目 执牛耳
释义 古代诸侯订立盟约,要割牛耳歃血,由主盟国的代表拿着盛牛耳朵的盘子。故称主盟国为执牛耳。后泛指在某一方面居最有权威的地位。
出处 《左传·哀公十七年》:“诸侯盟,谁执牛耳?”
4.00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:42,310
Oh,he'll probably have to take a few spills
spill的常见意思是"溢出;溅出"如那句很常见的习语Don't cry over spilt milk.
Don't cry over spilt milk;Things done can not be undone
spill还有泄漏秘密的意思:I wonder who spilled out the information.
而在这里spill是"摔跤,跌下"的意思,如I saw the motorcycle skid and its rider spill in dust.
Stocks took a sharp spill in today's trading.
5.00:23:22,470 --> 00:23:24,100
我个人认为这里译为"大事不妙啊"有点过了,MJ摔倒只是个minor accident,没必要这么夸张,但是若考虑到Suan喜欢一惊一乍的性格,这里译为"大事不妙"也为尝不可。
我查的是 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Whoopsy+daisy
其中解释为Used to express acknowledgement of a minor accident, blunder, or mistake.
"Whoospy daisy,I nearly killed myself!"
DH中这个whoops-a-daisy我是在wiktionary查了下,其解释为acknowledging a mistake.(感觉没有urban的解释好)
最后作下总结就是Whoops-a-daisy或Whoopsy daisy可以等同于oops/whoops了,常用于出现小小意外或失误后的一种感叹。(但好像都是女性才这么说)
6.00:30:50,260 --> 00:30:52,150
Wow,whoever did this really went to town.
天啊 这个捣蛋鬼还真是过分
really go to town这里可不是"进城"的意思,看了下面几例,相信就会理解这个短语意思了,以及何时何地能使用它
I can really go to town on everything.
The critic really go to town on his latest film
When you make a complain you don't spare their feelings, do you?You really go to town!
7.00:31:00,000 --> 00:31:03,150
I appreciate the offer, But I'm really stretched thin these days.
多谢你们的邀请 但是我最近实在很忙
这里有个be stretched (too) thin,很有趣的短语。
be stretched too thin:When something is stretched too thin, it is unbearable or uncomfortable. Stretch too thin is also said of a person who tries to do many things at the same time and cannot give enought time or attention to any of them
I'm burdened with my solitude, stretched too thin to bear.
I realized I've been spreading myself too thin, so I resigned as secretary of the golf club
8.00:32:14,290 --> 00:32:19,410
He would schlep All the way across town Just to get me my chinese food.
为了帮我买份中餐 他跑遍了好几条大街
00:32:52,640 --> 00:32:55,930
You know,of course,we're across town, So it May be a bit of a schlep.
不过我们的地方在另一头 距离有点远
schlep:拖曳, 缓慢费力地行进(动词)
Everything I gain comes at some horrible price,
And I'm starting to wonder if any of it's even worth it.
You're at the start of an incredible journey,
and I am going to be there every step of the way, cheering you on,
telling anyone who will listen that the Bree Van De Kamp is my friend.
...Just know that all your friends are very proud of you.Bitterly jealous,but proud.
10.00:38:03,810 --> 00:38:09,550
The man who is silent in his good deeds is the man who reaps the greatest reward.
无私奉献 默默无闻 苍天有眼 善恶有报
Let's wait and see what transpires.
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帖子64 精华1 积分0 威望0 点 金钱91 RMB 注册时间2008-10-1 最后登录2009-11-12
发表于 2009-1-4 20:43 | 只看该作者
Desperate Housewives Season05 Episode05 "Mirror,Mirror"
1.00:04:37,800 --> 00:04:40,830
Nobody likes a fickle god.
00:34:12,020 --> 00:34:15,110
Halle-damn-lujah,I got my period!
老天保佑 我的"大姨妈"来了
2.00:15:26,190 --> 00:15:32,870
Yes, but daddy's gonna live to a ripe old age unless he doesn't get home in time for mrs. Mccluskey's party
and then all bets are off.
对 但爸爸会尽享天年的 除非他有胆晚归耽误McCluskey太太的派对 那可就说不准了
live to a ripe old age活到很高年岁,长命百岁
all bets are off:后果将不可料,什么事情都有可能发生
3.00:16:10,170 --> 00:16:13,760
He administered C.P.R. until the ambulance got there.
救护车来前 一直在给他做心肺复苏
cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) 不知道是在翻译Grey's Anatomy还是在翻译Private Practice时遇见过一次,这次把它记下来。
  心肺复苏 = (清理呼吸道) + 人工呼吸 + 胸外按压 + 后续的专业用药
Cardiac resuscitation心脏复苏 另外还查到了这个,不知道和CPR有什么区别,记在这,希望某天有个学医的来解释下。
4.00:19:00,050 --> 00:19:01,410
An R.V.Might be overkill.
另外还查到RV:RV的全称是Recreati&a Vehicle,.即休闲车,是一种适用于娱乐、休闲、旅行的汽车,首先提出RV汽车概念的国家是日本。RV的覆盖范围比较广泛,没有严格的范畴。从广义上讲,除了轿车和跑车外的轻型乘用车,都可归属于RV。MPV及SUV也同属RV。
5.00:21:00,960 --> 00:21:04,820
Well... another dead soldier.
呃 又喝空了一瓶
dead soldier (plural dead soldiers)slang) An empty container, usually a bottle or can which contained an alcoholic beverage.
例:When my mother drinks beer, she peeks in the bottle to make sure it's a dead soldier.
6.Bree在"My husband's gone. My son's gone. I have nothing left."的情况下一蹶不振,酗酒度日。
Okay, so you have a void in your life. Welcome to the club.
Don't fill it with wine.Fill it with work, with accomplishments.
7.00:25:47,570 --> 00:25:53,950
the party was in full swing, and everyone was waiting to surprise the guest of honor.
聚会正在紧锣密鼓的筹备 大家等着给主宾惊喜
in full swing活跃(正在全力进行)proceeding with full vigor;
8.00:26:49,400 --> 00:26:53,690
Prying is what people too old to have sex do to keep life interesting.
对于上了年岁的老人 八卦是唯一乐趣了
Lynette: You want your life to count or something.
Tom: Exactly. I just don't want to keep making pizzas every day till I drop to the floor for real.
I want my life to be exciting.You know, I need adventure.
Lynette: Scavo's was the adventure.We changed our whole lives so you could live out your dream, and now you're bored.
We can't keep doing this, tom.We can't keep throwing all the cards up in the air every time you get a little restless.
Lynette: 你希望自己的生活更有价值
Tom: 完全正确 我不想成天做披萨 直到真的翘辫子 我想让生活激动人心 想要冒险
Lynette: 披萨店本来就是冒险 为了让你实现梦想 我们整个生活都变了 现在你玩够了 我们不能总这样 Tom 不能每次你一有什么想法 就全部重新洗牌
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帖子64 精华1 积分0 威望0 点 金钱91 RMB 注册时间2008-10-1 最后登录2009-11-12
发表于 2009-1-4 20:45 | 只看该作者
Desperate Housewives Season05 Episode06 "There's Always a Woman"
这集DH让我想到了adidas的戏称:all day i dream about sex = adidas
没错,在S5EP6中,It's almost everything to do with sex.
Carlos的"马杀鸡"让Mrs. Virginia达到了orgasm;
Katherine在Bree这个matchmaker的成全下成就了一段one night stand,估计又要和Mike擦出火花;
而Lynette的儿子Porter竟然和自己母亲差不多年纪的女人Anne Schilling有了一段relationship...
这些老外编剧的脑中果然都是sex啊,DH搞得都快和Grey's Anatomy有一拼了...
There are dangerous women in this world...
devious predators waiting to strike.
You can spot them by the lipstick they use,
the shoes they wear and the perfume they choose.
But the easiest way to spot a dangerous
woman is to see how she behaves with another woman's husband.
There are dangerous women in this world.
Some are lovers, blind to the consequences of their actions.
some are wives enraged by the betrayal of those they trusted.
others are predators, deviously setting traps to get what they want.
If you're unlucky enough to come upon one of these dangerous creatures,
the safest thing to do is run the other way.
这次开头部分是我翻的,关于dangerous women那个部分我刚开始译为“危险的女人”,后来定为“坏女人”,现在看了看,与后面结束语链接起来的话还是“危险的女人”比较好。
坏女人是因为那个Anne Schilling出场的坏印象让我先入为主了,有点断章取义。在此检讨一下。不过结束语翻译得还挺不错的。
2.00:10:49,910 --> 00:10:51,980
Those must've set you back a chunk.
a good chunk of time
3.00:13:39,060 --> 00:13:42,550
Oh, wait a minute. Is this a setup? Because I loathe blind dates.
等等 你不是在安排我们约会吧?
blind date由第三方安排的)男女间初次见面,即相亲
朗文解释:an arranged meeting between a man and woman who have not met each other before
Speed dating 很多人在一起的那种相亲,每对交谈的时间很短
Gold diggers 钓金龟婿的那种人(不是专指女的,指的就是只看重对方钱财的人)
4.00:18:38,250 --> 00:18:40,440
- neat or rocks?
- Rocks.
- 纯的还是加冰?
- 加冰
He likes his whisky neat.
He drinks his brandy neat.
The party was really neat -- we had good fun.
scotch/vodka etc on the rocks (informal)
an alcoholic drink that is served with ice but no water
5.00:25:20,870 --> 00:25:25,280
Yeah, I have been married twice,and both times that's imploded,
我结过两次婚 两次都很失败
00:25:25,290 --> 00:25:30,240
so really, I feel like...love is not my friend.
Love is not my friend.喜欢这句话---所以写下来了。
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帖子64 精华1 积分0 威望0 点 金钱91 RMB 注册时间2008-10-1 最后登录2009-11-12
发表于 2009-1-4 20:50 | 只看该作者
Desperate Housewives Season05 Episode07 "What More Do I Need"
Desire...It's an emotion designed to lead us astray,
causing us to buy things we can't afford...
encouraging us to sample desserts we don't need...
and pushing us into love affairs we're clearly not ready for.
Desire...it's an emotion designed to lead us astray,
persuading those who crave love to make foolish choices...
causing those who yearn for family to act out in anger...
allowing those who are lonely to behave in reckless ways.
And when the pursuit of our heart's desire becomes an obsession,
the best we can hope for is a caring friend willing to come along...and stop us
false alarm:虚惊一场
phlegm(痰):How do you pronounce p-h-l-e-g-m? Look up `phlegm' in the dictionary if you don't know.
另外它还有"迟钝,冷漠,冷静的"的意思(dated or fml旧或文)---不怎么常见,给个例子吧:
show considerable phlegm in facing the crisis 面对危机表现得相当冷静.
00:26:08,420 --> 00:26:11,180
So...carte blanche?
carte blanche:[律]全权委托, 署名空白纸(任人填写条件等)
“Carte Blanche”最早来源于法语,它的本意是“空白的纸”。
  到了18世纪,“Carte Blanche”一词的含义已不在局限于只是“署名空白纸”,而慢慢演绎为“全权委托”的词义。
3.00:05:59,140 --> 00:06:01,120
Yeah,like pot dealers give receipts.
有 你以为毒贩子给发票啊
00:06:15,440 --> 00:06:17,440
A thief and a pothead!
pothead 吸食大麻者 瘾君子
百度了一下"大麻 美国":




摘自《恶之花——毒品世界探寻》 徐鸿宾王容花著 中国人民大学出版社出版
4.00:06:32,660 --> 00:06:36,670
Ah,well... we needed to wipe the slate clean,right?
呃 我们都要放下以前的情债 是吧?
wipe the slate clean:勾销往事(即往不咎) 下为2例:
Let's wipe the slate clean and forget our past quarrels.
Once you have served your sentence you can wipe the slate clean and start a new life.
5.00:10:28,810 --> 00:10:33,470
oh,lap of luxury,how I've missed sitting in you.
奢侈的生活啊 真怀念享受的日子啊
这句话是我翻的,写这个笔记的时候我特别去射手看了下,风软字幕组将这句话翻为"噢 这么好的天气 坐在这真舒服",首发字幕组翻为"豪华泳池坐垫 我真怀念坐在你上面的感觉"
lap of luxury:奢侈的生活
She was brought up in the lap of luxury.
6.00:15:30,530 --> 00:15:35,630
And so that's when I got caught stuffing at the pep rally.
pep rallyAmE) a meeting at a school before a sports event, when cheerleaders lead the students in encouraging their team to win
鼓劲会 (赛前)士气动员会
7.00:17:25,650 --> 00:17:31,090
so before we wrap up here,we still need some chaperones for the junior prom.
今天结束前 选一下年度舞会的监护人
warp up:完成,结束;穿暖和的衣服:In cold weather you should wrap up well.天气寒冷时,你应该穿得暖和些。 chaperone:an older woman in the past who went out with a young unmarried woman on social occasions and was responsible for her behaviour
AmE someone, usually a parent or teacher, who is responsible for young people on social occasions 有女伴,监护人的意思
8.00:19:37,120 --> 00:19:39,100
her father,who's mormon. 就是她父亲 还是魔门教徒呢
Mormons are a religious group founded in USA in 1830.
有关摩门教在 http://sfile.ydy.com/bbs/viewthr ... &extra=page%3D1 有讨论,有兴趣的可以去看看。
00:29:15,930 --> 00:29:17,980
Jackson,look at me.
Jackson 看看我
00:29:18,010 --> 00:29:18,810
I'm tipsy.
00:29:18,850 --> 00:29:19,690
I'm horny.
00:29:19,710 --> 00:29:22,700
I'm easier than a 5-year-old's homework.
后来发现了一个问题tipsy这个单词在这里译为"酩酊大醉"不妥(可能我们的小翻在i'm tipsy,i'm horny都想用四字短语的缘故吧),因为tipsy是"slightly drunk"的意思,只能算是"微醉"。
10.00:32:11,570 --> 00:32:12,610
Humor me.
00:32:06,160 --> 00:32:09,090
Actually,you may want to watch it first.(Andrew)
00:32:09,160 --> 00:32:11,560
Why? I embarrassed enough as it is.(Bree)
00:32:11,570 --> 00:32:12,610
Humor me.(Andrew)
00:32:12,640 --> 00:32:13,270
I'll cue it up.(Andrew)
我觉得这里应该译为"给我个面子吧",如同"do me a favour”
或者"迁就我看一下吧"。http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=humor+me urban也有解释,可以看看。
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帖子64 精华1 积分0 威望0 点 金钱91 RMB 注册时间2008-10-1 最后登录2009-11-12
发表于 2009-1-4 20:51 | 只看该作者
Desperate Housewives Season05 Episode08 "City on Fire"
1.00:05:43,630 --> 00:05:46,920
Right,and in exchange, when she finally kicks the bucket, we wind up with a lamp.
好吧 作为交换 哪天她翘辫子了 我们就能得个灯
kick the bucket:一命呜呼,死了
2.00:06:37,630 --> 00:06:40,900
Oh,my gosh,andrew. Don't you look sharp today?
哦天啊 Andrew 你今天看起来真帅
00:07:22,050 --> 00:07:25,230
What a sharp outfit.
Uncle George's new car is really sharp.
You really look sharp in that new outfit.
3.I went online and pulled a bunch of her articles,
and a lot of them are complete hatchet jobs.
我上网下载了一些她的文章 很多都是纯粹的诽谤
hatchet job:恶毒攻击, 诽谤
Two newspapers did avery effective hatchet job on the Prime Minister's achievements.
4.00:09:25,950 --> 00:09:28,510
I'm gonna cut to the chase, Dave.
我就不和你兜圈子了 Dave
cut to the case 开门见山
Let's cut to the chase.
类似的有:get to the point,come straight to the point,talk turkey
5.00:11:30,410 --> 00:11:32,630
- Did someone throw rice at you?
- Yeah.
- 你们举办婚礼了吗?
- 举办了
Why do people throw rice or birdseed as a newly married couple leaves the church?
Throwing things at a newly married couple is a very old tradition that may date back to ancient Rome or Egypt or even further back. The custom is intended to give newlyweds good luck, and most of the items thrown at the couple represent fertility and abundance.

Food has always been a popular choice because it symbolizes plentiful crops. Seeds and nuts symbolize fertility because a little seed may grow into a big plant, an appropriate sentiment for a newly married couple. Grains such as wheat and rice were thrown over the newlyweds in the hopes that the couple would be prosperous and have many children to work the land.

While tossing rice became most popular in America, many countries have their own traditions. In Morocco, figs, dates, and raisins are thrown to encourage a "fruitful" union. Italians traditionally shower the newlyweds with sweets and sugarcoated nuts. (The word "confetti" may derive from the root for the Italian word for "confectionery.") In Korea, the groom's father tosses red dates at his new daughter-in-law to bring fertility. In France, wheat greets the happy couple. Eggs represent new life in some European countries and are thrown at newlyweds. An old Irish tradition has the couple being pelted with pots and pans (ouch!) in honor of their new domestic life.

Throwing birdseed, however, is a more modern idea. A widely circulated urban legend says that if you throw rice at your wedding, birds will eat the uncooked rice, and it will expand in their stomachs, causing the birds to explode. There is no truth to this story, and ornithologists and bird watchers have thoroughly debunked the myth. Uncooked rice doesn't harm birds -- they often eat it in the wild.

Due to the urban legend, many in the wedding industry began recommending birdseed as a rice alternative. Of course, wedding businesses would prefer you buy their special "wedding" birdseed or "designer heart-shaped rice" that's supposed to be "safe" for birds. But don't buy into it -- inexpensive rice from your grocery store is just as safe for our feathered friends. The only danger rice poses is to people who might slip on rice on a hard floor (birdseed can be just as risky). Some wedding locations have banned rice and seed throwing out of lawsuit fears.

Other trendy "tosses" include rose petals and other blooms, sunflower seeds, fall leaves, and paper snowflakes. Bridal businesses also promote blowing bubbles or waving lit sparklers at the departing couple. Just don't ask us what those symbolize.
to throw rice [to wish fertility upon the couple]
You know something?
I like money.
I like it a lot.
And a couple years ago,you could've bought me with that big fortune of yours.
But I'm a mom now,and i make the decisions for my kids.
And that is something that cannot be bought.
Well,putting a wall around your heart doesn't protect you.
It just keeps people out.
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帖子64 精华1 积分0 威望0 点 金钱91 RMB 注册时间2008-10-1 最后登录2009-11-12
发表于 2009-1-4 20:53 | 只看该作者
Desperate Housewives Season05 Episode09 "Me and My Town"
00:02:18,600 --> 00:02:20,150
I'm not promising a slam dunk here.
00:02:20,180 --> 00:02:22,750
I'm just saying it's possible.
slam dunk:"灌篮高手";很有把握、肯定会发生的事情
00:04:58,950 --> 00:05:01,070
You're an honest to god hero.
起先看这句话觉得挺奇怪的,查了一下honest to god(a.) 真的(确实的)。举2个例子:
Honest to God, mister, I'm without a place to sleep."
It's rare that you find people like that in this world, honest to God.
实话说, 在世界上找到那样的人是非常罕见的。
这样就清楚了吧:You're an hero,honest to god.
00:07:07,220 --> 00:07:09,560
Mm,i hate macadamia nuts.
哦 我讨厌夏威夷坚果
00:07:09,580 --> 00:07:13,730
You think they're white chocolate chips
until it's too late. Stupid hawaii.
已经太晚了 白痴的夏威夷
google一下:「夏威夷果仁」的迷思~ Macadamia Nut

Macadamia Nut,在台湾常常被称为「夏威夷果仁」或是「火山果」,小时候的印象中总觉得这种果子有种特别的香味,吃起来不同于其他的坚果类,这种特别的好感百分之50来自幼童崇洋的心态:从夏威夷坐飞机来的比较好!


原来,「夏威夷果仁」不是美国夏威夷本土所原产的果子,它的原产地是远在南半球的澳洲,昆士兰省(Queensland, Australia),所以正确的名称应该是「昆士兰果仁」!不过「夏威夷果仁」这个名词已经成为Macadamia Nut的代名词,要改还真不容易呢。为了尊重原创,我可是做了不少心理建设才把根深蒂固的「夏威夷果仁」改成「火山果」。不过「火山果」这个字眼也有误导的嫌疑,因为Macadamia Nut的生长环境似乎和火山没什么大关系!

Macadamia Nut 事实上一直是澳洲原住民日常食物的一部分,聪明的原住民早在数千年前就发现这种果仁营养价值极高,可以提炼健康、不含胆固醇的食用油。Macadamia Nut 在澳洲当地又被称为「Queensland Nuts」、「Bush nuts」、「Bauple Nuts」。根据记载,好处多多的Macadamia Nut是在1850年左右被欧洲来的移居者发现其商业价值并且于1890年左右传到夏威夷并被发扬光大。

对Macadamia Nut 印象深刻还有一个很大的原因来自于位于澳洲新南威尔斯省北部的Yarramalong Macadamia Nut 农场门口一块小小的招牌,内容约是:「警告!掉在地上的果子属于私人财产,请勿随意拿走」。第一次踏足这个新南威尔斯省最大的Macadamia Nut农场,最先映入眼廉的就是这块小小的牌子,心里的第一个念头是,掉在地上的应该没用了吧,农庄主人真小气,还不给人家碰。后来经由农庄主人详细的解说才知道,原来Macadamia Nut成熟后会自动从树上落下,所以他们根本不需要爬树摘果子,只要稍微摇晃树干,然后捡掉在地上的果子就可以了,所以地上的果仁才最有经济价值呢!真是蛮特别的一种收成方式。

Macadamia Nut 除了可以当坚果类食用,它还可以制作成不同的产品及用途,例如:食用油(可达200度C的燃点)、Macadamia 花蜜、果酱、护肤乳液、精油、其他保养品、香皂。据说Macadamia Nut的所提炼的油非常的纯净,很适合人的皮肤,所以对于皮肤组织的修护、抗老、和保养都有卓越的功效。

所以下次去澳洲旅游时,看到Macadamia Nut可不要以为只有夏威夷才有生产,Macadamia Nut 可是道道地地的澳洲土产呢!
00:16:22,720 --> 00:16:24,600
Hey,i'm not a short-order cook.
嘿 我可不是快餐店厨子
快餐厨子short-order cook:someone in a restaurant kitchen who cooks food that can be prepared easily or quickly
00:38:16,000 --> 00:38:20,950
I'm sorry,mr. Hodge. I'm sensing you're
a bit apprehensive about the surgery.
抱歉 Hodge先生 我怎么觉得你有点不安
apprehensive忧虑的; 害怕的; 不安的
医学词汇里Grey's Anatomy比较多,有兴趣的可以去那收集
(blood) transfusion输血
concussion 脑震荡
optic nerves 视(觉)神经
septum 隔膜
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帖子64 精华1 积分0 威望0 点 金钱91 RMB 注册时间2008-10-1 最后登录2009-11-12
发表于 2009-1-4 20:54 | 只看该作者
Desperate Housewives Season05 Episode10 "A Vision's Just a Vision"
It's an awful thing to live in the dark,unable to see what others take for granted.
But sometimes for a lucky few, a flicker of light pierces that darkness and brings with it the promise of better days to come.
It's an awful thing to live in darkness,unable to see what others take for granted.
But if we are lucky,the darkness lifts and we can finally see the secret sacrifices made by our wives...
The surprising progress made by our mothers...
Or the unintended consequences of our own actions.
But there are those who prefer the darkness,because there,they see only what they choose to see.

这集Porter被捕,在美国警察抓捕嫌疑犯时总要说的bla bla之类的东西是?
来了解下Miranda Warnings(米兰达警告)吧:
You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions.
  Anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law.
  You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future.
  If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.
  If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney.
  Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney present?

00:31:54,090 --> 00:31:59,880
Yeah. Well,you know,i mean,we both know that i have sort of an interesting past myself.
00:32:00,670 --> 00:32:02,860
So,you know,uh,glass houses,stones.
这句"glass houses,stones"我们字幕组翻译成“己所不欲 勿施于人”---我感觉翻译得很欠缺,今天看到那就觉得挺纳闷的。
Andrew在这里说了两个关键词:"glass houses"和"stones",说完整了差不多是:Pepole (或Those) who live in glass houses should not throw stones 住在玻璃房子里的人最好不要向他人投掷石头,否则后果自负。因为别人也可以向玻璃房投掷石头,从而自食其果。意指不要说他人的是非长短,因为自己也有缺点。

